3-K FOR ALL: Stepping into Preschool –

NYC Funded 3-K Program

We are pleased to announce that we will be having a NYC Funded 3-K Classroom for the upcoming September 2022 – 2023 School Year. Spaces are filling up fast, please reach out to us to secure your child’s spot.

Our three year old classroom is an exciting place for our preschoolers. A place for learning combined with fun. Your child can be somewhat independent and exercise a variety of personal, social and emotional skills.

Our child centered approach ensures that children are exposed to a diverse array of learning activities and that they thrive in all areas of child development, creative thinking, complex problem solving, empathetic collaboration, curious investigation, and astute decision making. All of this ensures that our kids are more than PREKINDERGARTEN READY upon graduation.

The classroom includes various activity centers which are full of ways for kids to explore and investigate, build, and problem solve. Our Curriculum includes reading, art, dramatic play, sensory play, scientific discovery areas and more.

Children are encouraged to problem solve, think cognitively as well as symbolically through match concepts and logistics. Blocks and other mathematical manipulatives promote planning and problem solving.

At this age, children are very curious and eager to discover and master new levels. We believe that the child’s learning process is as important as what they learn.

Art projects promote creativity and self-expression while music instructs our preschoolers in learning musical concepts through songs, games, hymns, rhythm, instruments and group ensembles. Dance and movement promote physical fitness and coordination. 

Literacy, mathematics, language arts and self-expression are encouraged at this age. Children have opportunities to help make sense of their experiences and develop an understanding as to who they are while learning to care about others as they adventure into socio-dramatic play.

Each month, teachers choose activities based on the unique needs and interests of the children in their class. Children are encouraged to let their creative juices flow as they engage in hands on activities that allow for imagination and questioning. Teacher’s support these self-directed experiences with small and large group activities that give children the tools they need to grow and develop into the leaders of tomorrow.

We begin with A warm welcome to all
Circle Time Sharing thoughts and ideas, laughter and fun
Arts and Crafts Creativity at it’s finest
Centers blocks, small manipulatives and puzzles, dress up
Language library and literature. Reading galore.
Lessons science, discovery and exploration, math concepts, social studies
Out-Door Fun Play time. Releasing stored up energy, practicing skills
Social Skills & Manners navigating the world around us. Playing with friends
Music fun-filled preschool music program
Exercise physical fitness activities, and yoga

Creative Academy